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Three Quantum Particles Hardy Entanglement from the Topology of Cantorian-Fractal Spacetime and the Casimir Effect as Dark Energy – A Great Opportunity for Nanotechnology

Received: 9 January 2015     Accepted: 28 January 2015     Published: 6 February 2015
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The present work brings together three different fields which depend crucially upon nano hardware under the umbrella of E-infinity theoretical framework. We start by following E-infinity topological methodology by dividing Hardy’s entanglement into two parts, a global ‘counterfactual’ part given by Φ3 where Φ = 2/(1+ √5) and a ‘local’ part Φn where n is the number of quantum particles. For Hardy’s celebrated gedankenexperiment with two quantum particles, which was moreover experimentally confirmed with high accuracy, the quantum probability is found for n = 2 to be P(2) (Hardy) = Φ3+2= Φ5 exactly as calculated by Hardy using orthodox quantum mechanics. Applying the same topological E-infinity entanglement theory to three quantum particles give a maximal Φ6 as well as a three partite much smaller value equal Φ3(1− Φ3)/ = 0.018033989. We conclude by outlining the relevant and extremely timely ideas and remarks on the possible connection, via a state of the art nanotechnology, to the Casimir effect as a conjectured origin of dark energy.

Published in American Journal of Nano Research and Applications (Volume 3, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.nano.20150301.11
Page(s) 1-5
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2015. Published by Science Publishing Group


Three Quantum Particles Entanglement, Hardy’s Topological Entanglement, E-Infinity, Hilbert Space, Cantorian Spacetime, Golden Mean Number System, Casimir Effect Connection to Dark Energy, Nanotechnology

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  • APA Style

    Mohamed S. El Naschie. (2015). Three Quantum Particles Hardy Entanglement from the Topology of Cantorian-Fractal Spacetime and the Casimir Effect as Dark Energy – A Great Opportunity for Nanotechnology. American Journal of Nano Research and Applications, 3(1), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.nano.20150301.11

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    ACS Style

    Mohamed S. El Naschie. Three Quantum Particles Hardy Entanglement from the Topology of Cantorian-Fractal Spacetime and the Casimir Effect as Dark Energy – A Great Opportunity for Nanotechnology. Am. J. Nano Res. Appl. 2015, 3(1), 1-5. doi: 10.11648/j.nano.20150301.11

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    AMA Style

    Mohamed S. El Naschie. Three Quantum Particles Hardy Entanglement from the Topology of Cantorian-Fractal Spacetime and the Casimir Effect as Dark Energy – A Great Opportunity for Nanotechnology. Am J Nano Res Appl. 2015;3(1):1-5. doi: 10.11648/j.nano.20150301.11

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    AB  - The present work brings together three different fields which depend crucially upon nano hardware under the umbrella of E-infinity theoretical framework. We start by following E-infinity topological methodology by dividing Hardy’s entanglement into two parts, a global ‘counterfactual’ part given by Φ3 where Φ = 2/(1+ √5) and a ‘local’ part Φn where n is the number of quantum particles. For Hardy’s celebrated gedankenexperiment with two quantum particles, which was moreover experimentally confirmed with high accuracy, the quantum probability is found for n = 2 to be P(2) (Hardy) = Φ3+2= Φ5 exactly as calculated by Hardy using orthodox quantum mechanics. Applying the same topological E-infinity entanglement theory to three quantum particles give a maximal Φ6 as well as a three partite much smaller value equal Φ3(1− Φ3)/ = 0.018033989. We conclude by outlining the relevant and extremely timely ideas and remarks on the possible connection, via a state of the art nanotechnology, to the Casimir effect as a conjectured origin of dark energy.
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Author Information
  • Dept. of Physics, University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt

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